Terms and conditions of use

Last update, 26/03/2023

Article 1. Purpose

Access to and use of the site " www.barnes-mauritius.com " (hereinafter the " Site ") published by OLOA (Holidays) Ltd (hereinafter " BARNES ") are subject to compliance with the present general conditions of use (hereinafter the " GCU ").
By choosing to browse the Site, users acknowledge that they have consulted these GCU and accept, expressly and without reservation, the terms thereof.
Users are informed that their acceptance of these GCU does not require a handwritten or electronic signature. The applicable GCU are those available online at the time of use of the Site.

Article 2. Real estate advertisement service

By browsing the Site, users have access to a search and display service for real estate sales and rentals.
The advertisements listed on the Site are put online by our affiliated agencies of the BARNES network and are for information purposes only.
BARNES undertakes to make every effort to ensure that the description of the advertisements is accurate and regularly updated.
The description of the properties for sale or rent, as well as their price, are the responsibility of the real estate agents holding the mandates. Consequently, BARNES cannot be held responsible for any error relating to the accuracy, reliability and availability of the properties mentioned in the advertisements.
BARNES reserves the right to correct, at any time and without prior notice, the content of the real estate advertisements published on its Site.

Article 3. Responsibility

BARNES cannot be held responsible for any failure, breakdown or interruption in the functioning of the Site, which prevents access to all or part of the Site.
Users are responsible for their equipment, data and consultation of the Site.
BARNES cannot be held responsible for viruses that may affect its Site or the server that makes it available.

Article 4. Intellectual property

BARNES is the sole owner of the intellectual property rights on the elements inherent to the Site (trademarks, photographs, graphics, texts, icons, sounds, logos, videos, etc.) and on the computer applications that run it.
Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation in any form whatsoever of all or part of these elements without the prior written consent of BARNES is strictly prohibited. Any unlawful act will engage the responsibility of its author.

Article 5. Hypertext links

The Site contains hyperlinks to Internet sites operated by agencies and service providers in the BARNES network and to third-party sites. BARNES has no control over these sites and declines all responsibility for access, content, use and damage that may result from them.

Article 6. Alerts and Newsletters

BARNES proposes to keep users informed of news inherent to the BARNES network and of offers they could benefit from.
In this respect, when browsing the Site, users have the possibility of voluntarily subscribing to our newsletters.
Users can also create personalized alerts to search for properties for sale and for rent by simply providing their email address.
Users can stop receiving newsletters and alerts at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each electronic communication received.

Article 7. Personal data

BARNES implements a Personal Data Protection Charter ("Personal Data") available to users on the Site (see Personal Data Protection Charter)
Users' Personal Data may be collected when a user wishes to access the following services:
- Creation of alerts, subscription to mailing lists, newsletters;
- Contact following a request to visit or estimate a property;
- Contacting us to submit an application.
- The information collected is intended to be processed by the personnel authorized for this purpose and will be kept for the time necessary to process the users' requests.
Users have the right to access, rectify, delete, oppose, complain, limit and port their Personal Data.

All these rights can be exercised with the Data Protection Officer by
- E-mail: mauritius@barnes-international.com
- Postal mail: BARNES – Délégué à la Protection des Données – Royal Road, Grand Baie, 30510 Maurice
In accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the automated processing of nominative data from the BARNES Site has been declared under the number (213 237 7 v 0) to the National Commission for Data Processing and Freedoms (CNIL - France).

Article 8. Modification

BARNES reserves the right to modify the present GCU at any time.
Users are therefore invited to consult the GCU regularly to take note of any changes.

Article 9. Invalidity - Independence of the clauses

In the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement are declared void or unenforceable in whole or in part, all other provisions of the GCU shall remain valid.

Article 10. Jurisdiction - Applicable law

The present GCU are exclusively governed by French law, including the rules of private international law.
In case of discrepancy between the different language versions of the GCU, only the French version shall prevail.
In the event of difficulties in the execution and/or interpretation of these GCU and prior to bringing the matter before any court, the User undertakes to contact BARNES in order to resolve the dispute between them amicably.
In the absence of an amicable agreement, jurisdiction is given to the courts of the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Paris, notwithstanding multiple defendants and/or third party claims, to hear any dispute relating to the use of the Site and/or the validity, execution and interpretation of these GCU.