

Mauritius lifts many of its health restrictions!

The latest news on covid in Mauritius

covid mauritius

What is the current situation in Mauritius?

The Republic of Mauritius declared on Tuesday 28 June a new relaxation of the restrictions linked to the COVID-19 pandemic following the success of its vaccination campaign accompanied by a low infection rate. Since the reopening of its borders on 1 October 2021, Mauritius has welcomed more than 500,000 tourists and has achieved a double vaccination rate of almost 90%.

The island is recording an increasing number of incoming travellers. You will be able to fully enjoy this idyllic destination with its fine sandy beaches, turquoise lagoon, colourful seabed, unique vegetation, mountains and cosmopolitan culture

What are the changes announced by the Mauritian Prime Minister?

The Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, spoke on Tuesday 28 June 2022 to announce an easing of health restrictions from 1 July 2022.

The wearing of masks is no longer compulsory in outdoor public places, although it is still imperative in public transport, closed health facilities such as pharmacies, hospitals, private clinics, old people's homes and during medical consultations. However, it is still recommended for people at risk and in crowded public places. Also, PCR tests on arrival at the airport have been abolished for both vaccinated and non-vaccinated travellers, and there is no longer a 7-day isolation period for non-vaccinated travellers.

On the activities and events side, public and private gatherings, sports competitions and events, as well as night-time activities are once again allowed without limit.

In conclusion, this announcement confirms the current trend in the country which follows a clear improvement in the health situation of Mauritius.

Mauritius is waiting for you. Choose your arrival date, BARNES Mauritiuswill take care of everything else! Do not hesitate to contact us.