Convert an agricultural lot into a residential lot
Following a government decision in 2005, owners of agricultural land of less than one hectare (2.75 acres) can convert it to residential land.
How to make agricultural land buildable?
Do you own agricultural land of less than one hectare? You will no longer need to apply for a Land Conversion Permit, subject to prior possession of the land as of September 30, 2005. However, conversion from agricultural to non-agricultural use will only take place if your land is within the permitted development limits, and is not covered by an irrigation zone. It is indeed necessary that your land is located in 'an area where development is permitted in accordance with a development plan' or in a place where there is a development plan.
You will then be exempt from paying any severance fees, land transfer tax, capital gains tax and transcription fees.
In the event of a land sale, you will be able, after receiving a letter of intent from the Morcellement Board, to enter into an agreement to sell a portion of the land and receive payment for it, subject to the Morcellement Board's terms and conditions. This additional facility will provide you with a return on the sale of your land.
Barnes Mauritius is available for any additional information. Do not hesitate to contact us.