Tamarin, a typical Mauritian coastal town, is a charming village known for its salt marshes. Meet the dolphins in the bay as you sail to Ile aux Bénitiers, a magical moment! In the heart of the village, you'll find the Paul et Virginie French nursery and elementary school.
Since time immemorial, dolphins have made the vast bay of Tamarin their resting place after a night's hunting. As mammals, they need to breathe regularly and can't rest at the bottom of the sea. So they swim in a large, lazy circle and welcome bipedal visitors to share their aquatic kingdom. However, excessive human affection for these sea creatures has unfortunately led to excesses.

A multitude of boats, catamarans, kayaks and swimmers follow the dolphins to their resting places, seeking to observe and photograph them. Dolphin-watching has become a very popular activity on the island, but we urge everyone to respect the needs of these wonderful sea-dwellers. Fortunately, it's possible to book excursions with eco-friendly operators who take the dolphins' needs into account.

Early-morning kayak trips and dolphin and sperm whale watching boat excursions, accompanied by nature guides and appropriate information, are offered daily.

Even when the waves rise, dolphins share their space with enthusiastic surfers, as Tamarin is also renowned as a legendary surf spot.

Our latest properties for sale on Tamarin



4 bedrooms

712 m²

REF. 5636926
